CTE Work-Based Learning

CTE offers a variety of opportunities for students to participate in work-based learning experiences.

Innovative Partnerships

MPS CTE District Office

Marlo Loria, 480-472-0393, mloria@mpsaz.org
Dawn Giles, 480-308-7518, degiles@mpsaz.org

The Career and Technical Education department (CTE) offers a variety of work-based learning programs that allow students to gain practical experience in real-world work environments which help them develop essential skills, career readiness, and an understanding of workplace culture. These authentic learning opportunities provide students with the following:

  • Hands-on experience: Work-based learning provides practical, hands-on experience that can't be gained in a classroom setting and opportunities to develop practical skills and knowledge in a real-world work setting.

  • Career readiness: Work-based learning prepares learners for their future by giving them exposure to industries that might not know about. Students also develop skills in communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and time management.

  • Networking opportunities: Work-based learning helps learners build relationships with professionals in their chosen field, which can be invaluable when seeking future employment or college recommendations.

  • Increased motivation: Work-based learning increases learner motivation because they see the relevance of what they learn in the classroom to the real-world which also improves student engagement and retention.

  • Employability: Work-based learning enhances learners' employability by providing them with a combination of academic and practical skills and experiences that make them more attractive to potential employers.

MPS Innovative Partnerships Team

  • CTE & Innovative Partnerships Director - Marlo Loria - mloria@mpsaz.org

  • Workforce Development Specialist - Dawn Giles - degiles@mpsaz.org

  • Dobson Career Coach - Emily Adams - erhendle@mpsaz.org

  • Mesa High Career Coach- Chantelle Frazee Jacobs - cjfrazeejacobs@mpsaz.org

  • Mountain View Career Coach - Dena Baldwin - dmbaldwin@mpsaz.org 

  • Red Mountain Career Coach - Susan Manning - slmanning@mpsaz.org 

  • Skyline Career Coach - Khamilia Harris - kaharris2@mpsaz.org

  • Westwood Career Coach - Madeleine Winship - mrwinship@mpsaz.org

  • Success Schools Career Coach - Helen Kitchen - hmkitchen@mpsaz.org

CTE Internships