Property Management

Director: Michelle Hamilton
Supervisor: Flori Roman

The Property Management Department exists as a result of state and federal requirements related to capital asset management. Property Management is responsible for the barcoding and etching of district furniture & equipment, conducting physical inventories of district assets, as well as maintaining the capital asset lists and supporting documentation for all District land, buildings, improvements, furniture, equipment, and vehicles.

The Department also operates the Used Surplus Facility that handles the pickup/delivery/disposal of district-used surplus items.

Vision Statement

We envision the Property Management Department as the definitive source for asset management that supports an effective learning environment within Mesa Public Schools.

Mission Statement

Property Management is committed to promoting fiscal responsibility of the District's assets through maintaining accurate asset records, conducting timely inventories, re-distributing usable property, and providing exceptional client support.


Send all Property Management forms to

Asset Management Training Manuals (formerly TipWeb)

Student Devices

If a student reports a lost or stolen device (laptop), please submit a work order to MPS Information Systems (I.S. Department).

Used Surplus